We strive to minimize our environmental impact by using eco-friendly materials, reducing waste, and investing in renewable energy sources. Here is how;
For over one and a half years, we have partnered with investors whose roles have been to integrate environmental and social governance issues throughout the business processes. They assist in implementing and monitoring environmental and social action plans (ESAP) which aim to improve the company’s ecological and social (E&S) practices. Therefore the implementation of ESAP across Naivas branches has had a significant impact.
- Formalize the company’s E&S policies, procedures, and action plans, as we now have Environmental protection policy, Fire safety policy, and Occupational Health and Safety policy.
- ESAP has also Strengthened the governance of ESG due to recruits of OSH officers and ESG officers (appointment of E&S managers)
- Strengthening performance monitoring in terms of the structuring of reporting, transparency of practices to third parties)
- We are improving E&S performance (regulatory compliance and adoption of best practices).
Waste Management
In a bid to safeguard our environment and curb climate change, Naivas has implemented a waste management plan which involves the segregation of our waste at the source before releasing it to the environment.
The waste is segregated into organic waste, plastic waste, paper waste, scrap metal, and used oil where they will then be taken to recycling facilities.
The bins are also color-coded and marked with signages indicating the type of waste to be disposed of in them.
For plastic waste (yellow), Organic waste (green), and office waste (blue).
We have partnered with service providers to facilitate the collection, recycling, and recovery